Lots of different things should be thought about before purchasing hand-painted oil paintings.One could be advisable to consider texture,size,color,placement,theme,room decor,furniture,among others.In the following paragraphs we will briefly cover each of these.

Texture: A good decorator will know if the texture is right for the room.An oil painting which is air brushed may not work in a room which is decorated with paintings of Van Gogh.An oil painting with lots of texture and 3D effects may look ok inside a room with contemporary paintings or paintings modern.

Size: If the wall is large and the oil painting is small,it will not look good.If the oil painting is too large it will eventually overwhelm the wall and the room.If it is too tiny it can also look bad.

Color: Warm colors go well with pastels if the pastels are made up of warm colors.Take a look at the setting in your mind imagine how the painting would look next to the other things in that space.

Placement: Here the decorator will excel.She/he will be able to see if the picture is too high or low.Also the decorator will be able to tell if it is centered between the two windows etc.

Theme: Selected a theme and stick with it.Remember to stay in that theme for all of the things in the room like wall coverings,carpets,furniture etc.

Room decor: "Theme" plays a role here.Modern carpets suit modern oil paintings.Take a look at each room and see if it all goes together.

Furniture: Rather than replacing the furniture to enhance the oil painting I attempt and match the painting to the furniture.Antique furniture doesn't suit contemporary oil paintings.

I hope this has given you something to take into account and hopefully some really good ideas to ponder.

(article resource from http://www.oilpaintingsstore.com/blog/How-To-Choose-Hand-painted-Oil-Paintings/)