When you find an oil painting on canvas that you want,it is most likely one that "speaks" for you.Enjoyment is a fantastic reason to purchase a painting.If you are interested in the authenticity of the piece you would like to add to your collection,then consulting an expert before you make your purchase could be your best course of action.Old paintings might be deceptive if you want a true original.

How do I know when a piece of artwork is a good investment?
Just because the oil painting on canvas is performed and is a reproduction of original artwork pieceit is not necessarily a good investment. There are many reproductions that aren't worth the money it requires to purchase them.An art expert can tell you if the price is a good investment or not.The expert can have credentials that prove they are qualified to provide you accurate details about your piece.The professional can be another good person to consult when you find an art piece at a yard sale or an estate sale.They will most likely have a history degree and will be able to give a history in the piece you desire.

What about buying from new artists?
Yes,there are various new artists that may become well known increasing the value of their art over time.There are two types of new artists;the art guild members and the folk artists.The main difference is that the folk artist learned themselves,while the guild artist has an art degree.The artist being a guild or folk artist has little importance.

Where are good places to find new artists?
Sales may be held by local civic centers,estate auctions,or art galleries.Sometimes the finer restaurants will sell the original fine art pieces they display in their restaurant.Don't overlook yard sales and estate sales because residents may have kept a piece stored in their attic for years that they picked up along the way never realizing its real value.

What might I pay for an oil painting?
The price can range from a dollar to hundreds of dollars.If the investment will be on the higher end of things it is best to consult with an expert first.

(article resource from http://www.oilpaintingsstore.com/blog/Find-Out-How-To-Add-Real-Oil-Paintings-On-Canvas-To-Your-Collection/)