You possibly will not know this but what you hang on the walls of your home or office says rather a lot about the type of personality that you have.The kind of oil paintings that you hang on your walls reflects your personality,character and preferences.What's more,it affects your moods and emotions.And this is one of the reasons that we do not buy art pieces merely because they are affordable and suits the wall we are going to hang them on;we buy art that has an affinity with our emotions.So it goes to follow that you can tell a lot about a individual depending on the paintings that he has up on the walls of his office or home.

As such,people that are laid back and they are often relaxed tend to have several seascape oil paintings hung on their walls.Those who enjoy the sea are most likely to have oil paintings of the ocean or the beach.Those who choose to go hiking and enjoy mountain climbing will probably have a lot of landscape oil paintings.Because paintings are works of emotion and are well,created beyond an emotion or an affinity between the artist and the subject,we are likely to gravitate to oil paintings that suggest our inner emotions and personalities.

But imagine a painting does not have a particular subject,an abstract oil painting for instance? Conveying a statement is what abstract oil paintings essentially do.Basically because abstract oil paintings do not have a specific subject does not mean it is a shallow piece of art because it absolutely is not true.Abstract oil paintings convey emotions and messages using mixtures of distinct colors and shapes.People that have black abstract oil paintings in their residences are most likely to be elegant and more inclined to the classics.On the other hand those who choose to hang red abstract oil paintings are more likely to be the energetic types and are on the go most of the time.But before you purchase paintings,it is advisable to think about the general style and design of the residence or office.

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